Advocacy & Service Projects


Anyone may describe a project, and anyone may search the descriptions to learn from them.

The goal is for people to learn from successes and failures of others who worked on similar topics. We apologize if you don't like filling in forms. The categories are so we can sort it for easy reference by others.


This is a draft; you cannot enter information yet. We welcome comments or feedback.



Select Projects by                O Topic [__________]drop-down menu of topics present in database

                                            O Average stars assigned by commenters

                                            O Locations closest to [__________]zip code

                                            O Type of area: o urban, o suburban, o rural, o stream, o field, o woods, o other

                                            O Level of government: o school, o school board, o town or city, o county, o state, o national

                                            O State [__________] drop-down menu



Project Title  [_________________] box for 20 characters


Topic  [_________________]drop-down menu of topics present in database, plus space for new topic


Username of author of description  [_________________] click to send email with questions


Position in group o no group (acted alone), o officer, o member


Date advocacy or action started [mm/dd/yyyy] Date advocacy or action ended [mm/dd/yyyy]  or  o Advocacy or action still continues


Any zip code for the area:  [_____] box for 5 characters. Area involved  [_________o hectares or o acres].


Type of area:  o urban, o suburban, o rural, o stream [________meters width], o field, o woods, o other [_____________]


Please summarize the main steps in the project:  [_________________] box for 500 characters.

For example: Read draft permit, Researched, Commented, Filed appeal, Witnesses prepared their testimony, Discussed settlement, Participated in hearing. Wrote briefs.

Or: Identified erosion, Got landowner permission, Researched plants, Bought supplies, Organized volunteers, Planted streambank with crop rye, annual rye, fox sedge, hosta, bankers willow, crown vetch, Attached erosion cloth, Used timed sprinklers to water bank daily for 3 weeks then every other day until frost, After 1 year applied herbicide to poison ivy, After 2 years applied herbicide to "mile-a-minute" weed and poison ivy and removed trash.


Cash costs of the advocacy or action, if any  [$_______]


Here you may include reasons for your choices (e.g. species, methods, speakers), notes on cost, text of any handouts or position statements, supporting statements, follow-up reports, or permanent links to them  [_________________] box for 5,000 characters


For research on this topic, which websites and materials were most helpful? [_________________] box for 500 characters


Results as of [__/__/____]date: [_________________] box for 500 characters


Name of main company or government involved, if any? [_______________] box for 20 characters


Level of government:  o none, o school, o school board, o town or city o county, o state, o national



Sign in/Register to comment, rate the comments, or describe a project Username [_______________] password [_____________]


Username of commenter [_________] Impressed with project [_] 1-5 stars (0=spam). Description is clear [_] 1-5 stars. [Date comment last updated]

Comment [___________________] box for 2,000 characters Is this comment helpful? o Yes o No o Inappropriate  (xx out of XXX found comment helpful)


Username of commenter [_________] Impressed with project [_] 1-5 stars. Description is clear [_] 1-5 stars. [Date comment last updated]

Comment [___________________] box for 2,000 characters Is this comment helpful? o Yes o No o Inappropriate  (xx out of XXX found comment helpful)


Projects or comments that a number of members find to be spam or inappropriate will be hidden.